Allstora Membership Goes a Long Way

Put money in authors' pockets while keeping more in yours.

  • Get 50% off your first three books, and then 30% off everything
  • Your first month is free
  • You pay less, but authors still earn double
  • Save on RuPaul's Book Club

First Month: $0.00
Monthly price: $5.00

Add any book to your cart to access membership. One month free trial, cancel anytime. New member discount is 50% off three books under $50 in the same order as your subscription purchase.

Q's about Allstora Membership?

With an Allstora membership, you’ll receive 50% off your first three books, and then 30% off our entire catalog!

When you’re a member, 100% of profits from book sales go to the authors of the books you purchase.

Yes, we mean it.

The Allstora membership grants discounts on all book purchases, ensuring fair compensation for authors while providing readers with affordable access to a wide range of titles. The Book Club offers a curated selection of monthly reads chosen by the legendary RuPaul Charles, along with exclusive content, community engagement, and the opportunity to connect with fellow readers.

Yes! You'll be able to cancel your membership at any time.

You'll be billed on a monthly basis. If you sign up on March 4, you'll be billed again on April 4!



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